$5.8 Million in Under 20 Min!

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Most of you must be wondering that how can someone earn that much in under 20 min and some of you might google it right away!

Anyways, we are going to demistify all that there is to this vague yet glamorous way to earn millions of dollars in a relatively short time.

Sounds exciting right !?

“Libertas, Aequitas, Veritas — In cryptography we trust”– This quote has become more relevant than ever!

Recently, while going through my morning news-reading spree I stumbled upon the entangling yet mesmerising concept of something known as a #digitalartwork.

The headlines read “10-second video clip authenticated by blockchain sold for over 6.6 million USD”. At one end I couldn’t believe that such a thing could possibly hold true and it was all a hoax but my curious-self on the other end wanted to dwell deeper to know more about this extremely fascinating concept of a digital artwork.

While the entire concept in itself is fascinating, there are various discussion boards on #Reddit and #tweetsontwitter related to the feud between the proponets and critiques of digital artworks.

There has been a congenial wedlock between digital artworks and non-fungible token (#NFT) which is an item that represents ownership. Everybody in the registry will know who owns the token. And nobody can alter these records unless you — the token holder decides to sell or gift them to somebody else. And sure, anybody can freely copy and distribute the artwork. But there will only be one original with the NFT. This piece will always be one of a kind.

Consider, for instance, the intensely popular cat meme. The original digital rendition was #sold for $590,000 in an online auction.

Why would anyone pay that kind of money for a cat meme you ask?

Because it’s not a meme. It’s art. And it’s spectacularly original and this one of a kind digital artwork has an NFT associated with it. Someone out there owns the token and they are the only ones with access to the original.

It would be interesting to observe the development of digital artworks in the near future and I could have never imagined that one day such a thing could be possibly up for sale.

Do you think #digitalartworks would be the new #renaissance where the likes of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci would exist?

Also would blockchain fundamentally shape the way we think about art and possibly lead us to a new era of blockchainart just like modern art itself?

Makes me wonder how the future would unfold??

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